A Man Called Ove Characters

Analysis of Characters in A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

A Man Called Ove | Character Sketches

The characters in the novel, each unique in their own way, play vital roles in shaping the narrative and exploring themes such as friendship, love, acceptance, and personal growth. From Ove’s steadfast neighbors to the unexpected friendships that blossom, the characters in this tale offer rich insights into the human experience.



Ove is introduced as a 59-year-old widower who seems to have little patience for the world around him. He is meticulously portrayed as a man who adheres strictly to routines, enforces neighborhood rules with unwavering determination, and frequently engages in grumbling monologues about the state of contemporary society. Ove’s appearance, with his stern countenance and bristly demeanor, aligns with the stereotypical image of a curmudgeon. Beneath Ove’s gruff exterior lies a profound well of grief and despair. His life has been marred by the loss of his beloved wife, Sonja, and remembers his wife everyday. Ove’s grief is so overwhelming that it drives him to contemplate suicide repeatedly, as he believes the only means of reuniting with Sonja is the afterlife.

He has a strong sense of what is right and just, and he adheres rigorously to his own code of conduct. Ove’s belief in doing things correctly and a job well done reflects his dedication to principles, even if it means facing adversity. This principled nature shapes his interactions with the world, often leading to conflicts with those who do not share his rigid beliefs. His life takes a dramatic turn when he is reluctantly drawn into the community by his new neighbors, Parvaneh and Patrick. Initially resistant to their intrusion into his meticulously structured life, Ove gradually undergoes a transformation. Through his interactions with them and other community members, Ove learns to accept assistance, form friendships, and even open himself up to the possibility of a different kind of life, one which does not involve him being isolated.

Despite his initial grumpiness, Ove is quick to come to the aid of those in need, often providing practical solutions and support. His kindness, albeit hidden beneath his stern demeanor, shines through in his actions, particularly as he becomes more involved in the lives of his neighbors and friends. His initial despair and thoughts of suicide evolve into a renewed appreciation for life, friendship, and community. Ove’s journey from a solitary, grief-stricken individual to a beloved member of the neighborhood encapsulates that it is never too late for personal growth and connection.



Ove’s deceased wife, Sonja is introduced as a vibrant and passionate individual with a deep love for life and literature. Her profession as a teacher underscores her dedication to education and her love of books.  Sonja’s life takes a significant turn when she crosses paths with Ove on a train. This chance encounter sets the stage for a profound and enduring love story. Their connection is immediate, and their relationship unfolds rapidly, culminating in marriage shortly after their meeting.

The novel delves into Sonja’s tragic accident in Spain, which results in the loss of their unborn child and her confinement to a wheelchair. This life-altering event tests the resilience of Sonja’s character and her unwavering determination to adapt to her new circumstances. Despite the devastating loss, Sonja does not succumb to despair, she emerges as a symbol of strength, determination, while also being an emotional support to her life partner she always displays the ability to find joy in life’s most challenging moments.

Sonja’s fight for her right to work and her insistence on not being defined by her disability exemplify her tenacity and courage in the face of adversity. Tragically, Sonja’s character is further tested when she is diagnosed with cancer, a battle she ultimately loses. Sonja’s memory continues to inspire and influence Ove long after her passing. She serves as a moral compass for him, guiding his actions and even motivating him to uphold the principles and values they shared as a couple, Ove constantly thinks about her advice in challenging situations resulting in his appropriate conduct. Ove visits her grave that serves as a testament to the enduring love he feels for her and the profound impact she had on his life.



Ove’s neighbor, Parvaneh’s character is defined by her remarkable resilience and determination. As an immigrant to Sweden with a strong-willed personality, she faces the challenges of adapting to a new culture and raising her two daughters while pregnant.  The relationship between Ove and Parvaneh begins on a rocky note when her family accidentally damages Ove’s mailbox while moving into the neighborhood. Ove’s initial annoyance and his tendency to refer to her as “the Pregnant One ” exemplify his reluctance to embrace change.

Parvaneh’s character is marked by her empathetic nature and her ability to see beyond Ove’s gruff exterior. She recognizes that Ove is a man burdened by grief and loneliness, and she refuses to be deterred by his initial unfriendliness. Parvaneh’s determination to understand Ove’s struggles and offer him support exemplifies her compassionate nature. Her willingness to see the person beneath Ove’s tough facade ultimately breaks down his emotional barriers.

Parvaneh’s determination to integrate Ove into the community and introduce him to her network of friends brings about a profound transformation in Ove’s life. She becomes a driving force behind the creation of a supportive and inclusive community, she encourages others to interact with Ove and fosters empathy in others that offers Ove a sense of belonging and purpose. While she is unyielding in her pursuit of justice and fairness, she also acknowledges her own vulnerabilities and the challenges she faces as a mother and an immigrant. This duality makes her character relatable and multifaceted, endearing her to both Ove and the readers.



Patrick is an IT consultant, he initially appears to be a stark contrast to Ove’s more traditional and hands-on approach to life. Patrick plays a crucial role in bridging the gap between Ove and his wife, Parvaneh, and the rest of the neighborhood. Patrick’s accident and Parvaneh’s subsequent interactions with Ove lead to a gradual thawing of Ove’s resistance, allowing him to become more integrated into the community.

Patrick’s character is further defined by his role as a family man. His dedication to his wife, Parvaneh, and their two daughters can be seen throughout the novel. He represents the idea that family extends beyond blood ties and includes those who offer support, empathy, and love. As Patrick’s family becomes closer to Ove, they begin to view him as an honorary family member, with Patrick’s daughters affectionately referring to Ove as “Granddad.”


Rune’s character is introduced as Ove’s neighbor and one of his primary sources of conflict. Ove and Rune share a contentious relationship, marked by disagreements over various matters, including their roles in the Residents Association and their preferences for different car brands. Rune represents the opposing force in Ove’s life, challenging his convictions and perpetuating a longstanding feud.

Rune’s character takes a poignant turn as he grapples with Alzheimer’s disease, a condition that gradually erodes his memory and cognitive abilities. Rune’s illness becomes a catalyst for reconciliation between him and Ove. As Rune’s condition deteriorates, Ove is confronted with the harsh reality of mortality and the transience of life. Ove’s deep-seated principles and sense of loyalty ultimately lead him to intervene on Rune’s behalf when government authorities plan to place Rune in a care home, separating him from his wife, Anita.

Through Ove’s intervention and the collective efforts of their neighborhood community, Rune is granted the opportunity to remain at home with his wife, Anita, rather than being placed in a care facility. This resolution provides a sense of closure to the longstanding conflict between Ove and Rune, highlighting the capacity for forgiveness and second chances.


Anita’s character is introduced as a close friend of Sonja, Ove’s late wife. Their friendship forms a vital connection between Ove and Anita, and it serves as a bridge between the past and the present. Despite the passing of Sonja, Anita’s loyalty to their friendship endures, and she continues to maintain a connection with Ove.

Anita’s character also underscores the importance of community and support networks. As Rune’s condition deteriorates, she relies on the assistance of neighbors like Ove and Parvaneh, who come together to prevent Rune from being placed in a care home. Anita’s vulnerability and dependence on her neighbors highlight the significance of collective efforts and the willingness of others to offer help during times of need.

Anita’s presence in the narrative serves as a reminder of the passage of time and the inevitability of change. Her enduring friendship with Sonja, as well as her own experiences with Rune’s illness, underscore the transitions that individuals undergo throughout their lives. Anita’s character reflects the bittersweet aspects of growing older, such as the loss of friends and the challenges associated with caring for aging partners.



Jimmy’s character is introduced as Ove’s neighbor, and their friendship plays a central role in the novel. Despite their initially contrasting personalities, Ove’s gruff exterior versus Jimmy’s friendly and jovial demeanor, the bond between them deepens over time.

Jimmy’s backstory reveals a traumatic childhood marked by abuse and hardship. He moved into the neighborhood as a child with his mother, and they suffered abuse at the hands of his mother’s boyfriend. However, his life took a turn for the better when Ove and Rune intervened, protecting Jimmy and his mother from further harm.


As the story progresses, Jimmy’s character experiences personal growth and development. He falls in love with Mirsad, and their relationship evolves into a deep and loving partnership.  One of the significant developments in Jimmy’s character arc is his decision, along with Mirsad, to adopt a daughter.



When introduced, Anders is immediately disliked by Ove due to the type of car he drives. Ove’s strong aversion to anything that deviates from his strict principles and preferences makes him prejudiced against Anders.

Over the course of the story, the relationship between Ove and Anders evolves. Despite their initial disagreements and Ove’s disapproval of Anders’ choices, a deeper understanding and friendship gradually develop between them. After breaking up with his girlfriend, he starts dating Lena, a journalist. While Ove and Anders initially clash due to their differences, their relationship has a profound impact on Ove’s character development. It challenges Ove’s rigid outlook on life and forces him to reevaluate his prejudices and preconceptions. Through his interactions with Anders, Ove learns to be more accepting and open-minded, ultimately becoming a more compassionate and understanding person.



Lena is portrayed as a persistent and determined journalist who is relentless in her pursuit of a story. She repeatedly approaches Ove for an interview after he saves a man’s life on the train tracks.

Lena’s insistence on interviewing Ove plays a pivotal role in the novel’s narrative. Despite Ove’s initial resistance and gruff demeanor, Lena’s determination eventually breaks through his tough exterior. This interaction leads to a deeper connection between the two characters. Lena’s character experiences personal growth and romantic development in the story. She starts dating Ove’s neighbor, Anders, which brings a new dimension to her life. Her character highlights the importance of preserving and sharing personal narratives as a way to connect with others and create a sense of understanding and empathy.



Adrian is introduced as a teenager who approaches Ove, seeking help to repair a bike. He is on a mission to impress a girl he likes, and he believes that Ove’s skills can assist him in achieving this goal. Adrian’s character reflects the innocence and vulnerability of youth, as well as the desire for guidance and mentorship from older individuals.

Adrian’s character plays a crucial role in introducing Mirsad, a colleague and friend, to Ove’s life. When Mirsad faces a difficult situation after coming out to his father and being kicked out of his home, Adrian brings him to Ove’s house, seeking help and shelter.Ove’s willingness to help Adrian not only leads to a repaired bicycle but also fosters a connection between the two characters.  Adrian’s character embodies youthful optimism and the belief in the possibility of change and improvement. His determination to impress the girl he likes and his openness to seeking help from Ove demonstrate a youthful enthusiasm for life’s challenges and adventures.



Mirsad’s character faces the challenge of coming out to his father about his sexuality. When he courageously reveals his truth, his father’s rejection and decision to kick him out of their home create a profound emotional and personal struggle for Mirsad.

Mirsad’s journey from a place of vulnerability to finding a supportive community finding shelter at Ove’s house. Mirsad’s character represents the journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of one’s authentic identity. His struggle with coming out and facing rejection from his family ultimately leads to a path of self-acceptance and the embrace of his true self. Mirsad’s character serves as a reminder of the importance of staying true to one’s identity, even in the face of adversity.







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